Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tony Avella and 9 Others Vote Against Sale's Tax Increase

The New York City Council voted Monday by a 37 to 10 vote to raise the City’s sale’s tax to 4.5 percent from 4 percent. Ten council members voted no: Tony Avella of Queens, Charles Barron of Brooklyn, Elizabeth Crowley of Queens, Eric N. Gioia of Queens, Vincent M. Ignizio of Staten Island, Melinda R. Katz of Queens, Kenneth Mitchell of Staten Island, James S. Oddo of Staten Island, Eric Ulrich of Queens, and James Vacca of the Bronx. Naysayers voted against the tax because it will be a hardship on middle-class New Yorkers, who are already fighting for their lives. Tony Avella continues to stand up for the average New Yorker against the overwhelming tide of Bloomberg’s elitist policies.

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