"In hoarse and angry tones, Tony Avella (D-Queens) struck the core of the issue when he explained his "no" vote. "If those who support this bill think it is a really good-government thing, that we have three terms instead of two, why did they wait 'til now? They waited 'til now so it was too late to do a referendum, so it could only be done legislatively."
Then he warned others in the council: "You're not conning anybody. The public of this city knows the fix was in from the beginning. And you know something? When the time comes, hopefully - and I apologize to my colleagues - but you should all be voted out of office."
How often do you hear that kind of statement in City Hall?
Answer: Never - until now.
We are planning a fund raiser for Tony Avella on Tuesday, December 2nd in Manhattan. More details to follow. Let's support this courageous, intelligent and ethical maverick. A true man of the people. Please contact us if you want more information and would like to be on our mailing list. Otherwise, visit us again in a week or so for more information.
Please visit Tony's web site at www.tonyavellaformayor.com
In the meantime: please take part in our campaign
The Campaign Finance Reporting Rules of NYC require that everyone who donates to a political campaign fill in a special form, which they will send in with their donations to the candidate. Click here for the printable form.
Tony Avella is the underdog in the run for mayor, but we can help change that if we all come together and support him. Because he is against over development, he does not get donations from the real estate industry. Checks are preferred because the campaign will get the full $10. If you want to donate by credit card, please click here. Checks/money orders should be made out to Tony Avella2009 and mailed along with the campaign form noted above to:
1 comment:
I want to take a moment to acknowledge Councilmember Tony Avella's most courageous stand against this anti-democratic power grab by Mayor Bloomberg and Speaker Quinn.
It must further be pointed out that, to those of us who have followed Tony Avella's political career, this sort of laudable behavior is hardly new or unique.
For a long while now, while other hack councilmembers have scraped their knees, cravenly genuflecting at the throne of the Speaker, Tony Avella has been a steadfast profile in courage, prioritizing the best interests of the people of New York City, ahead of political expediency - a priority that has not come without a price tag for Avella, exacted by a vindictive council leadership.
Also, mention must be made of those councilmembers such as Bill DeBlasio, Letitia James, Charles Barron, et al, who with no motivations other than a clear vision of good government, cast a firm "NO" against this naked power grab of Mayor Bloomberg's. They stand in stark contrast to those in the council who, as has been reported, only cast a "NO" vote after passage of the term limits extension bill was considered a fait accompli and their votes against it, meaningless - and only after being given permission by the leadership to vote against the bill.
With Tony Avella's decision to run for Mayor of New York City, the choice is clear. Does New York City want a perpetuation of the cynical, hypocritical, self-interest that defines our current leadership and has perhaps never been so boldly displayed as in this self-serving, term limits extension? Or is it time for honesty and integrity to inform the future of our city.
Note well, this man Tony Avella, for in him you will see a quality in all too short supply in the political world today - that quality, defined by moral excellence, that is INTEGRITY!
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