A political forum on animal issues sponsored by the New York League of Humane Voters was held last Tuesday, May 26. Candidates for Mayor, Public Advocate, Comptroller, and Manhattan District Attorney were all invited to attend this first-time event in which candidates for city office were given the opportunity to talk about what if anything they have done, or what they might do in the future, to help New York City animals.
Most of these candidates, especially the ones who didn't show up (eg, Bloomberg), have done little to nothing; but animal hero Councilmember Tony Avella, unlike the vast majority of his colleagues in the City Council, has supported every animal bill to come before the Council. He also was the only council person to step up to the plate and introduce the bill to ban the horse-drawn carriage. Appropriately, Mr. Avella received wild cheers and a standing ovation when he got up to speak. He continued to received outbursts of loud applause throughout his speech.
Most of these candidates, especially the ones who didn't show up (eg, Bloomberg), have done little to nothing; but animal hero Councilmember Tony Avella, unlike the vast majority of his colleagues in the City Council, has supported every animal bill to come before the Council. He also was the only council person to step up to the plate and introduce the bill to ban the horse-drawn carriage. Appropriately, Mr. Avella received wild cheers and a standing ovation when he got up to speak. He continued to received outbursts of loud applause throughout his speech.
No other candidate received this reception because they haven't done enough for animals to deserve it.
Mr. Avella DESERVES our support! Volunteers are needed!
Please visit his website to see what you can do: Tony Avella for Mayor and Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages.